Womens g spot … a mysterious topic and an ever elusive spot. Is it your key to being an amazing lover or is it a myth and something not to bother with?
Guys, I’ve written this womens g spot section just for you. I decided to do it after finding that the g spot resources on the web were *&!$. They were either dry and scientific or very esoteric and hard to follow, much less use.
I thought – why doesn’t someone write a site that’s simple, practice, with easy to follow exercises. Soon after, my girlfriend and I started developing this site … and the rest is history! 🙂
Because I’m often asked the same womens g spot questions, over and over, I thought I’d answer some here.
Guys, click the link that best fits your question:
What’s the best way to be hitting the g spot?
Do you have any advice for locating the g spot?
I can’t find my woman’s g spot. Do you have any suggestions?
What is your favorite g spot technique? Do you use fingers, toys, or what?